Manage Study and Relationship ❤️
CA Study and Relationship balance.

Here are some tips to help you stay focused on the right thing at the right time.
1. Make a Schedule to balance CA Study and Relationship
If you want to keep both your relationship and your grades happy, you and your partner need to make a schedule of times when you’re both busy and times when you’re both free. You can mark out time for each other during your free periods and agree that your time apart is just as important as your time together.
2. Study Together and balance CA Study and Relationship
Having combined study time kills two birds with one stone. Keep in mind, though, that this may not always work. If you find one another too distracting, you might end up wasting a lot of very valuable time. However, if it works, it might just be the key to maintaining that perfect balance you’ve been looking for.
3. Be on The Same Page
If you are in a relationship with someone who never understands or compliments your academic performance, you may never be able to strike a balance between your studies and your relationship. Be with someone who motivates you to complete work, and make sure you motivate them in return.
4. Make Studying a Priority
Sorry love birds for this one. In situations where you have to choose between studying or spending time with your significant other, your studies have to win that battle. There will be plenty of time for both of you to spend together in the future. When your studies demand your uninterrupted attention, you need to give your studies that attention. Be sure to support your partner in their decision when they make the same call.
5. Clarify Your Goals to balance CA Study and Relationship
If you both have vastly different goals in life, then you probably shouldn’t be together, and there shouldn’t be any hard feelings about that. On the other hand, if your goals are same, then congratulations, you might have found your soulmate!
6. Help Each Other Out Academically
If you or your partner can help each other out with certain topics, you can both make sure that each of you are ready for exams. Helping one another is also an opportunity for both of you to spend quality time together in a productive environment.
7. Know When to Evaluate Yourselves
If you find that your relationship is suffering while you both spend time with your studies, or vice versa, then it might be time for you to evaluate your situation and re-establish some balance. Have an honest conversation with your significant other and come up with a solution that helps both of you find some equilibrium.
To wrap things up, just remember that your relationships and your studies can both equally impact your future if you treat them right. If you’re lucky and you manage to keep the right balance, you could be set up for life!
Learn to Study with a proper Planning with daily targets and balance CA Study and Relationship ❤️ –
For Example let say CA Exams are starting from tomorrow. We have 1 day gap between each subject during the tests.
In fact in that 1 day gap we actually need to complete whole subject revision and we actually do that with all our super energy. In order to maintain that level of preparation and speed we have formed out this schedule in form of CA Exam Series.
Now come to our overall schedule
In like manner we have followed same kind of strategy.
Now dates are targeted to each test to complete that portion till that day.
This way because of small tests and target approach we will be completing our syllabus effectively.
Short tests are to evaluate whether you’ll be able to write properly in your main exams or not. It will boost your day to day confidence.
For the purpose of completing the course in effective way with the targets (test dates), we have prepared this schedule. Papers are of course as per ICAI level only. All most important suggestions and writing skills guidance will be provided to you. You on one hand just need to check factual things in your answers. For that a separate suggested answers file we will provide. In case you need any remark on your sheet wherever you feel, you can same mail us in PDF file. We will happily give you remarks.
Dates of Schedule you can customise as per your comfort because you will get all papers access together .
At last all the best