Direct Entry For CA CS CMA
Direct Entry for CA,CS,CMA 🚀
Direct Entry Route is available for students aspiring to enter the CA Intermediate, CMA Intermediate, and CS Executive programs! This means you can bypass the CA Foundation, CMA Foundation, and CS entrance exams, streamlining your journey to these prestigious qualifications.
This initiative opens new doors for students looking to accelerate their careers in accounting and company secretarial practices. If you’re ready to take your professional journey to the next level, explore this fantastic opportunity!
The detailed analysis chart of these courses.
Course | CA | CMA | CS |
Authorized body | ICAI | ICMAI | ICSI |
Eligibility | For commerce graduates/postgraduates, a minimum grade of 55% is required, other graduates/ postgraduates need a minimum of 60%. Candidates who have successfully passed – Intermediate level of ICSI or ICMAI can apply Graduates from open universities can apply directly for the CA Inter examination. Commerce graduates or postgraduates specializing in – accounting, auditing, mercantile laws, corporate laws, economics, management, taxation, costing, business administration, or related subjects are exempted from the CA Foundation course. They are eligible for direct entry into CA Intermediate. Students in their final year of graduation can provisionally register for the CA Intermediate examination. However, they must provide proof of passing within 6 months of the final qualifying examination. Provisionally registered candidates can begin their practical training in ICITSS (Information technology and orientation course). | Annexure VI ELIGIBILITY FOR DIRECT ADMISSION A person desirous of becoming a Registered Student need to apply to the Institute in the prescribed Form, (enclosed herewith), with appropriate fees and to produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that he/she has passed any of the following Examinations : (i) A degree Examination of any recognized University or equivalent; (ii) A degree (honours) Examination of any recognized University; (iii) Pursuing Engineering Course (having completed 2nd year/Semester IV/equivalent) or Qualified Engineers- Direct Admission to Intermediate Course. (iv) A Master Degree Examination of any recognized University or any of the Indian Institute of Management; (v) An Engineering Degree Examination of any recognized University or any of the Indian Institute of Technology or the Indian Institute of Science; (vi) The Final Examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England and Wales, or Scotland or Ireland or the Final Examination of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, or of the Final Examination of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India; Final Examination of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, U.K. (vii) The Foundation Course Examination of this Institute; (viii) Entry Level-Part I Examination of Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) course of this Institute; (ix) Entry Level-Part I Examination and Competency Level Part II Examination of Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) course of this Institute can seek admission to Intermediate Course of Institute; (x) Section ‘A’ and Section ‘B’ Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) or equivalent; (xi) Subordinate Accounts Service Examination conducted by the Central/State Government Organisations; (xii) Part I and Part II of Banking Examinations styled C.A.I.I.B.; (xiii) Any other examinations as may be recognized by the Council for the purpose of admission as a registered student of the Institute. (xiv) Qualified in the Foundation Course Examination conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. (xv) Intermediate (by whatever name called) Examination qualified students of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The Registration of student does not confer any membership rights nor does entitle a person so registered to be a member of the Institute or of its Regional Councils. Provisional Registration Persons who have appeared in a degree examination and are awaiting result may apply for provisional registration in the prescribed form to the respective Regional Council. They should submit the pass result within the prescribed time periods from the date/period of 18 (eighteen) months (Refer website : for details) date of such Provisional Registration in the Institute. Failure to submit the pass result within the prescribed time limit tantamounts to cancellation of the provisional registration and forfeiture of the registration and tuition fee paid. All Correspondences from foreign students should be addressed to Directorate of Studies, THE INSTITUTE OF COST ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA, CMA Bhawan, 12 Sudder Street, Kolkata – 700 016, India. (E-mail : | The following categories of students are eligible to register directly for CS Executive Course without passing the CSEET: Category 1 Student Graduates or Post Graduates from Commerce stream having secured in aggregate a minimum of 50% of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognized University (including Open University). Graduates or Post Graduates other than those falling under Commerce stream having secured in aggregate a minimum of 50% of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognized University (including Open University). Category 2 Student Candidates who have passed CMA Final or CA Final examination. |
Registration Process | Steps to fill the CA Inter Direct Entry application form: Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click on ‘Students Services’. Step 3: Choose ‘entry-level forms’. Step 4: Fill in your details accurately. Step 5: Click ‘generate OTP’ and check your email and mobile for login details. Step 6: Log in and complete the CA Intermediate registration, including uploading necessary documents and making the payment. Step 7: Finally, download your CA Intermediate registration receipt for your records. After registration, students must order their study material through the centralized dispatch on the portal This ensures a smooth and efficient registration experience for aspiring Chartered Accountants. It’s important to complete the CA Inter registration at least eight months before the exam month begins. | Steps to fill the CMA Inter Direct Entry application form for Syllabus 2022: Step 1 – Go to -> click on “Students” tab visible on the menubar. Step 2 – Click on “Admission” visible on the menu bar. Step 3 – Select the option “Online admission” visible on the left side of the admission page. Step 4 – Click on “Apply for Intermediate Course”. Step 5 – Generate OTP by entering the required information for CMA Inter registration. Step 6 – Login using the CMA Intermediate login credentials and proceed to fill your CMA Inter application form. Verify the information and click on ‘Save and Next’ Step 7 – Upload the required documents Step 8 – Complete the payment process. The fees has to be paid according to the coaching type (oral or postal) selected by you. Once the CMA Intermediate registration fee is paid successfully, a confirmation receipt will be generated. It is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt for future reference. | Steps to fill the CS Executive Direct Entry application form: Step 1 – Open this registration link Step 2 – Before proceeding further, the student has to ensure that soft copies of the following documents are ready and available in the same computer through which the registration is being done Photograph of the candidate Signature of the candidate DOB certificate (10th Pass Certificate) Qualification Certificate (12th Marksheet or certificate of ICAI/ ICMAI/ Final Pass Certificate) Category Certificate (other than general) Identity Proof(Aadhar card/ Passport/ Voter ID/ Pan card/ Driving license/ Ration card) Step 3 – Tick the options in the appropriate boxes and proceed further and click the button proceed for registration. After clicking, a new page will be opened. This new page will show two options New Registration Incomplete Registration If the student will opt for new registration, all details are required to be filled. Step 4 – Click on the next button after filling all the required details. Step 5 – Upload all the mandatory documents Step 6 – Make the payment |
Registration Fees | The registration fee for both groups is Rs.18,000, and for a single group, it is Rs.13,000. | There are two options to pay the fees: Option 1: Fees Payable for Intermediate Rs.23,100/- on or before 31st January for June term and 31st July for December term of Examinations. Option 2: Fees can be paid in installments: Rs. 12,000/-(1st Installment) At the time of Registration into Intermediate course. Rs. 11,100/-(2nd Installment)Payable on or before 31st January for June term and 31st July for December. To be eligible for appearing in Intermediate examinations, the 2nd Installment amounting to Rs.11,100/- must be payable on or before 31st January for June term and 31st July for December term of examinations. If the student fails to pay 2nd installment within the prescribed time limit as mentioned in point no. 1, the installment facility will be still available till next 3 Consecutive terms. The 2nd installment is to be paid within the cut-off dates (on or before 31st January for June term and 31st July for December term of examinations). No student can appear for Intermediate examination without paying 2nd installment. Failure to pay the 2nd installment within the prescribed time limits as mentioned in point no. 1 & 2, will lead to forfeiture of the amount already paid as 1st Installment. After paying 1st installment student will get study materials of both groups and can opt for oral/postal coaching of either Group (Group I/II) for Intermediate as per the choice of the student. After paying 2nd Installment student will be eligible to opt for oral/postal coaching of remaining group and ‘Skills Training’ and other training as applicable. | Fee Payable (Rs) by the students who have passed: for Graduates (Minimum 50% Marks) and Post Graduates or Final Course of ICAI Or Final Course of ICMAI is Rs15600. ICSI offers fee concessions to candidates from different categories: SC/ST Service/ Retired personnel of the Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all paramilitary forces – 50% Concession. Physically Handicapped [as defined under Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act]- Only the CS Executive registration fee (Rs 2000) is to be paid. ICLS Officers and Officials with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs Wards and widows of martyrs of officials from the Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all paramilitary forces Personnel of the Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all paramilitary forces with permanent disability as a result of participating in acts of war and other missions- 100% Concession. |
Subjects (Intermediate Level) | Group I Paper 1: Advanced Accounting Paper 2:Corporate and other Laws Paper 3:Taxation(Income tax law & Goods and Services Tax) Group II: Paper 4:Cost and Management Accounting Paper 5:Auditing and Assurance Paper 6:Strategic Management & Financial Management | GROUP – I PAPER 5: BUSINESS LAWS AND ETHICS (BLE) PAPER 6: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (FA) PAPER 7: DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXATION (DITX) PAPER 8: COST ACCOUNTING (CA) GROUP – II PAPER 9: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (OMSM) PAPER 10: CORPORATE ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING (CAA) PAPER 11: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS DATA ANALYTICS (FMDA) PAPER 12: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (MA) | Module I: 1. Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws 2. Company Law 3.Setting up of Business Entities and Closure 4.Tax Laws Module II: 5.Corporate & Management Accounting 6.Securities Laws & Capital Markets 7.Economic, Business and Commercial Laws 8.Financial and Strategic Management |