CA Foundation Maths

CA Foundation Maths

CA Foundation maths study guidance.

CA Foundation Maths Paper Pattern

  • Number of the question asked: 100
  • Time allowed to take the exam is 2 hours
  • Maximum marks 100 marks (Business Mathematics (40 marks), Logical Reasoning(20 marks),Statistics(40 Marks).
  • Each question is quantitative and the answer is circled on OMR sheets.
  • Negative marking of ¼ is applied on wrong answers.

Foundation Maths Chapter Wise Weightage for New Course:

You can see the breakdown of chapters and modules according to the marks weightage given In exams and plan your study accordingly

Weightage Business Mathematics
20%-30%Ratio and Proportion, Indices and Logarithms Linear Inequalities: Linear Inequalities in one variable and the solution space and optimal solution
30%-40%Time Value of Money
30%-50%Permutations and Combinations Sets, Relations and Functions Sequence and Series Basic applications of Differential and Integral calculus
Weightage Logical Reasoning

Direction Tests Seating Arrangements Number series coding and Decoding and odd man out
30%-40%Syllogism Blood Relations
Weightage Statistics
10%-15%Correlation and Regression: Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation Rank, Correlation, Regression lines, Regression equations, Regression coefficients Index Numbers and Time series
45%-50%Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion: Mean Median, Mode, Mean Deviation, Quartiles and Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation, Co-efficient of Variation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviation Statistical Representation of Data, Diagrammatic representation of data, Frequency distribution, Graphical representation of Frequency Distribution –Histogram, Frequency, Polygon, Ogive, Pie-chart
25%-30%Probability: Independent and dependent events; mutually exclusive events.25% Total and Compound Probability; Bayes’ theorem; and Mathematical Expectation Theoretical Distribution: Binomial Distribution, Poisson distribution–basic application and Normal Distribution – basic applications

CA Foundation Maths Self Study Plan:

  • Write down the formulas and theories on a chart and can keep it handy by sticking it in your room for quick reference,
  • Continuous practice is key to score good marks in Maths subjects.
  • Divide the study material into three parts maths, Logical  Reasoning, and Statistics
  • Keep calculator handy and learn the shortcut keys to make the calculation fast and accurate.

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Chapter 1 Exercise 1 A

Exercise 1 B

Exercise 1 C

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