CA Inter Audit subject is like a nightmare for most of students to get even 40 marks. Check out the tips and trick to score 90 plus marks.

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How to score good marks in CA Inter Audit?

CA Inter Audit subject. There are a lot of things to be kept in mind while preparing for the exams. We’ll divide this elixir into few points such as syllabus distribution , categorize SAs on the basis of importance, paper pattern, language, and presentation.

Syllabus Distribution

CA Inter Audit Syllabus distribution means the sequence in which you should study your chapters to have a better understanding of the subject. We’ll divide it into two parts, Old Course and New Course.

How to study Audit for CA Inter New Course-

CA Inter Audit proper planning. First of all, you need to complete the first five chapters of the study material, viz., Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit; Audit Strategy, Audit Planning, and Audit Programme; Audit Documentation and Audit Evidence; Risk Assessment and Internal Control; and Fraud and Responsibilities of the Auditor in this Regard.

After finishing the above-mentioned chapters, you should complete Chapter 7- Audit Sampling; Chapter 8- Analytical Procedures, and Chapter 11- Audit Report. One thing to keep in mind is to complete the related SAs along with the chapters. These chapters are very important for understanding. After completing these chapters pick the chapter with the maximum weightage, i.e., Company Audit including CARO. Company Audit will come for around 10-20 marks in the exam which can play a key role in scoring good marks in Audit.

After that, pick Chapter 13- Audit of Different Type of Entities. One question is sure to come from this chapter. Then go for Chapter 12- Audit of Banks and Chapter 6- Audit in Automated Environment respectively which have two questions of 4 marks each. You can understand the concept of both the chapters and then do question-based study. For which you can use the RTPs, MTPs, and SAs of all the previous attempts. Covering 10-15 questions from both of these chapters from the institute’s materials will ensure 8 to 16 marks in the exam.

At last, study Chapter 9- Audit of Items of Financial Statement. This is a vast chapter and anything can be asked from this chapter. If it is not possible to cover all the questions then cover at least 10-15 questions from this. You can find videos on YouTube for this chapter but make sure you are studying from good teachers only.

Categorization of SAs in CA Inter Audit

CA Inter Audit, We have categorized SAs for you on the basis of Importance. The list will help you determine which SAs are very important, which SAs you can cover entirely through questions, and which SAs you can leave and still be able to do questions based on them.

Super Important SAs in CA Inter Audit

CA Inter Audit, Standards on Quality Control (SQCs)
SQC 1Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audit and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements
Standards on Auditing (SAs)
SA 200Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Standards on Auditing
SA 210Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements
SA 220Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 230Audit Documentation
SA 240The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 299Responsibility of Joint Auditors
SA 320Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit
SA 500Audit Evidence
SA 505External Confirmations 
SA 530Audit Sampling
SA 570Going Concern
SA 700Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements
SA 701Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report
SA 705Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report

CA Inter Audit – Important SAs

SA 300Planning an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 315Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment
SA 330The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks
SA 450Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During the Audit
SA 501Audit Evidence-Specific Considerations for Selected Items
SA 520Analytical Procedures 
SA 540Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures
SA 550Related Parties
SA 580Written Representations
SA 610Using the Work of Internal Auditors
SA 706Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report

SAs for which only questions are enough

SA 250Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 260Communication with Those Charged with Governance
SA 265Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to Those Charged with Governance and Management
SA 510Initial Audit Engagements – Opening Balances
SA 560Subsequent Events
SA 600Using the Work of Another Auditor
SA 620Using the Work of an Auditor’s Expert

Miscellaneous SAs

SA 402Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation
SA 710Comparative Information—Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements
SA 720The Auditor’s Responsibility in Relation to Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements

Paper Pattern of CA Inter Audit Exam

CA Inter audit pattern, Now that our preparation part is done, let’s focus on the real deal – the paper pattern. Since this is the first time that we’ll have MCQs in our exams, this section becomes fairly important. Let’s divide the paper pattern into two parts- Type of Questions and Number of Questions.

What type of questions will come in CA Inter Audit exam?

CA Inter audit, There will be three types of questions- MCQs, Correct or Incorrect, and other descriptive questions. The MCQs will be of 30 marks which will include 20, 1 mark questions, and 5, 2 marks questions. The paper will also include Correct/Incorrect type questions of 14 marks. The rest of the questions will be descriptive type.

How many questions will be there in CA Inter Audit exam?

CA Inter audit paper, There are going to be 6 questions in the Audit exam of which the students will have to attempt 5 questions. The first question will be compulsory which will include Correct/Incorrect questions. And there will be an internal choice in the 6th question.

It is fairly easy to score good marks with this paper pattern. The MCQs and Correct/Incorrect comprises of 44 marks alone. Even if you score 30 marks in them and score 40% from the rest of the 56 marks, you’ll be looking at a good 52 marks. And if you put just a little bit more effort you can easily score an exemption in Audit.

Things to keep in mind during the exam to score good marks in CA Inter Audit

CA Inter Audit Paper “before exam” part is complete, let’s focus on what we need to do during the exam. This is the part which will actually determine whether we are going to score good marks in Audit exam or not. This includes language, sentence formation, and paper pattern.

Language of Answer Paper – Use keywords

This is a very important thing for CA Inter Audit paper because of which students lose their marks. They may have the conceptual knowledge but they fail to present that knowledge in their question paper. Audit is an exam which needs a higher level of knowledge and presentation skill. Instead of writing in layman’s language include keywords in your answer. Include the technical keywords which are being used by the ICAI in the Study Material, RTPs, MTPs, and Suggested Answers. Learn the keywords and impress the paper checker and score good marks in Audit.

Sentence Formation and how to improve it

CA Inter audit paper formation- Truth be told, there are plenty of students who can’t even form a proper sentence. But this is not something that can not be learned or improved. And how can you improve this and score good marks in Audit? Practice. “Awareness precedes change”. Acknowledge the problem and practice it till you achieve perfection. Give mock tests, write answers and see where you are lacking. Don’t just give one Mock Test, give as many as you can and see yourself improve with each one of them. There are plenty of tests series available online, get those and improve your presentation skill.

Audit Presentation of answers to score good marks

CA Inter audit, This is what everything depends on. Your months of coaching, studies, and practice everything comes to this one thing – Presentation. Here are few commonly asked questions and their answers-

Should I write my answers in points or not?

Whether you should answer in points or not depends on the question that is being asked. If the question asks for ‘Explain’, ‘Describe’, and ‘Analyze’, then avoid writing in points. Instead, write in para-points. An example of para points is this post. But if the question asks for ‘Advantage/Disadvantage’, ‘Process’, or ‘Limitations’, then you should go for points. Even when you’re writing in points don’t forget to give an introductory paragraph and then continue with your points. 

Should I start my answers from a new page?

CA inter audit paper, Yes. Repeat after me, ‘Fresh Answer, Fresh Page’. Each of the answers must start from a new page. Avoid writing answers on the same page. 

Do making charts help in improving marks?

Making charts in CA Inter audit answer sheet enhances the presentation of your answer. Practice making charts during your preparation, this is one habit which will fetch you good marks in exams. Charts make your answers more appealing to the paper checker and are an extra something that you can use to make your answer sheet stand out among others and help you score good marks in Audit exam. 

Few other things that you should use to improve your presentation-

  1. Underline the keywords and important points. This highlights the point you are trying to make and helps the paper checker to look in the right direction. Which, in turn, helps you score good marks.
  2. Use CAPS. If there is a keyword you want to put special emphasis on, put it in capital letters. This makes the paper checker realize that you know what you are talking about, saves his time to search for the keywords and increases your marks.

And now everything left for you is to make use of these points and score good marks in Audit exam. If you use these points and apply them in your practice and presentation, you can surely score exemption in Audit exam. You can watch the video below which includes these points and is a power pack of motivation for you to start studying.

Source Via : Edu91

Special Note : We have compiled a schedule to make you stay consistent with the required writing practice. You can join our unscheduled test series where all papers you’ll get same time and the evalution will be done as you submit your answer till the exam. Click here to join

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